Saturday 15 January 2011

Sony employs 3D billboard for The Green Hornet

Sony Pictures is using a 3D special build, featuring a giant car driving out of a billboard in West London, to promote its new film 'The Green Hornet' starring Seth Rogan.

The Green Hornet: special build promotes the film on Cromwell Road
The Green Hornet: special build promotes the film on Cromwell Road

The structure, which is 60 metres long and four metres high, runs across six consecutive 96-sheet billboards in, what media owner Clear Channel Outdoor claims, the longest advertising face in the UK.
The creative is by Empire Design and is on display ahead of tomorrow’s (14 January) release of the film, which stars Rogan as an unlikely superhero. It is designed to maintain interest in the film after its release.
The special build, planned and bought by Aegis outdoor specialist Posterscope and Omnicom media agency Manning Gottlieb OMD, is part of a wider campaign for 'The Green Hornet'.

Stuart Williams, deputy managing director and marketing director, Sony Pictures Releasing, said: "We wanted to give the film's release event status and believe there is no better place to do this in outdoor media than the domination of Cromwell Road.

"It’s the perfect environment to give the film the right positioning for movie goers."
The Cromwell Road is a major route in out and of London and a spokeswoman for Clear Channel said its billboards, which are part of its Pinnacle division, achieve an estimated 2.3 million impacts every two weeks.

Sunday 9 January 2011

In hospital with mum

i haven't posted anything for a while due to the fact that my mum's been in hospital, so for that I'm sorry but interestingly when i was visiting her so asked me a question about TV advertising which i thought was a good one.

she asked, " why are all the adverts on TV plain and boring, iv been sat in the hospital watching TV for the past 2 weeks and i can not remember one good advert that has stuck in my mind."

i didn't know what to say at the time and shrugged off the question, but this got me thinking and i wanted to prove her wrong and find a TV advert which was new, bold, exciting and did what it was supposed to do, stick in the consumers mind.

i couldn't find anything up to date but i showed her one advert which i new she would love, which was quite recent. this was the Adidas rooftop advert.

i knew that she would like this advert because she likes celebrities and music, she said that it was a very good advert but felt that no adverts these days where even close to doing what it is they were supposed to do, advertise.

i feel that what she believes is true, companies are just rolling out advert after advert spending thousand of pounds and not really catching the consumers eye.