Sunday 9 January 2011

In hospital with mum

i haven't posted anything for a while due to the fact that my mum's been in hospital, so for that I'm sorry but interestingly when i was visiting her so asked me a question about TV advertising which i thought was a good one.

she asked, " why are all the adverts on TV plain and boring, iv been sat in the hospital watching TV for the past 2 weeks and i can not remember one good advert that has stuck in my mind."

i didn't know what to say at the time and shrugged off the question, but this got me thinking and i wanted to prove her wrong and find a TV advert which was new, bold, exciting and did what it was supposed to do, stick in the consumers mind.

i couldn't find anything up to date but i showed her one advert which i new she would love, which was quite recent. this was the Adidas rooftop advert.

i knew that she would like this advert because she likes celebrities and music, she said that it was a very good advert but felt that no adverts these days where even close to doing what it is they were supposed to do, advertise.

i feel that what she believes is true, companies are just rolling out advert after advert spending thousand of pounds and not really catching the consumers eye.

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